Enrollment FAQs

Enrollment FAQs

Can I remove the Advisor photo and replace it with our company logo?

Yes. We have the capability to welcome your participants from a company-wide perspective or an Advisor perspective. Keep in mind that the image in the logo/headshot space is small and circular so we do not recommend using your entire logo. Instead, we recommend a symbol or other small logo that represents your organization.

Can I modify wording throughout the app?

Not at this time. Due to regulations and legal reasons we are not able to offer this.

Can I customize the Enrollment experience?

YES! You can customize all of the following:

  • Welcome Screen Image
  • Welcome Video
  • Logos
  • Advisor Photo
  • Color Scheme
  • Disclosures

Where do I customize the look of my Enrollment site?

Use White Labels to customize the look of the Enrollment site. See Setup White Labels 

Where do I enable my Plan for Enrollments?

Use Setup Enrollment

What's in the End User License Agreement on the Enrollment site?

This agreement is located at the beginning of the Participant Enrollment experience and can not be modified in any way. See End-User-License-Agreement.docx

Where can I view the existing iJoin Enrollment video?

iJoin provides a default video that can be used on the Enrollment site or you can create your own video and provide the URL, or the option to turn off a video is also available. This information is setup on the White Label. See Setup White Labels 

The iJoin video(s) can be previewed below.

For Standard Enroll see Participant Enrollment Video

For Managed Account Program see Participant Enrollment Video  

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