Investment Paths FAQs

Investment Paths FAQs

What are the Investment Path Options for a Plan?

iJoin Standard (Investment Paths):

  •   Default Investment
  •   Manage It For Me
  •   Help Me Choose
  •   Choose Myself

Managed Account Recommendations:

  •   Manage It For Me
  •   Choose Myself

Do I have to turn on all Paths for my Plan?

No, Investment Paths options are optional with the exception of MAP, which is automatically turned on when Managed Account Recommendation is selected for the Plan.

Where can I find more information on setting up Investment Paths options?

For more information see What is Enrollment Experience Type?

For more information see Setup investment Paths

For more information see What is the Managed Account Program (MAP)?

Where do I find more information for MAP Provider Setup

For more information see Set up Managed Account Providers.

Where can I find more information on using the Risk Tolerance Questionnaire (RTQ) on the Enrollment site?

For more information on setting up the RTQ see Setup A Risk Tolerance Questionnaire

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