Enable STP/Tasks for iJoin Create/Post Transfers in Relius

Enable STP/Tasks for iJoin Create/Post Transfers in Relius

This process is used for posting the STP transfer jobs that come into Relius from iJoin.

         In STP Task Scheduler, Create task group select 1 Tasks tab

  • Name: iJoin Create Transaction
  • Action Type: Create Transaction
  • Agent assignment: none
  • Available Tasks: Add
    • Create Transactions
    • Post Transfers

         Select 2 Frequency tab

  • Frequency
    • On Demand

         Select the 3 Dependency tab

  • Task dependency
    • Change Completions Status:
      • Create transactions: Any status
      • Post Transfers; Any status

         Select 4 Parameters tab

  • Select Options
    • Create transaction
      • No parameters needed
    • Post Transfers
      • Plan ID: Supplied at run time
      • Transaction effective date: Supplied at run time
      • Transaction Source: Supplied at run time
        • User Value: All
      • Use Request Id: User entered default
        • User Value: Yes
      • Suppress Trades: Supplied at run time
        • User Value: No


         Under STP Options select

  • Select Job Defaults
    • Under the Action Create Transaction use the drop down to change the default task group to iJoin Create Transaction

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