Setting Up iJoin Managed Accounts and Adding to Plans

    Setting up a Managed Account and adding a managed account to plan.

    • Navigate to the Settings tab on the left of your screen.

    • Select Managed Accounts

    • Select the Create Provider button.

    • Enter the Provider Name. 
      • This will appear when selecting a Program Provider for a plan and on Personal Retirement Picture reports for participants.

    • Select your Managed Account Methodology from the available list under the Investment Methodology dropdown.
      • If this option is not available please contact customer support

    • Enter the Fee Disclosure Message

    • Enter your provider Logo.

    • Depending on Method you will either need to enter funds or no fund configuration is needed.
      • If entering funds 
        • Select Add Funds button
          • Enter the investment Name and if the fund is available it will populate

        • Complete the Investment Details
          • Enter a Target Rate of Return if one is not present
          • Enter a Risk Description 
          • Select Save

      • If the methodology does not require adding funds you will see the following

    • Check the Complete provider setup and enable for use box.

    • Select Save.

    • Confirmation of a successful save will show.

    • Provider will now be available in the Managed Account Program setup drop down in a plan's Investments Paths.

    Adding Managed Accounts to a plan

    • Navigate to the Plan in iJoin and select Investment Paths

    • Toggle the Managed Account Path to On

    • The Map Program Setup window will pop up, Select Modify

    • From the Program Provider drop down select your Manage Account
      • The name created for the program provider will show here. 

    • Select Save

    • The Managed Account Program selected will now show under the Map Program Setup

    • Navigate to the Activation tab

    • Select Activate Latest Changes

    • Your Managed Account is now enabled as an Investment selection.

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