Add New Plans

Add New Plans

1. Sign into the  Advisor Portal. The Dashboard screen is displayed. Select Plans menu option. The Plan Summary screen is displayed. 

2. Click the  Add Plan button.

3. The  Plan Setup screen is displayed. Select the Recordkeeper using the drop down menu. 

4. Enter the  External Plan ID: This is the Relius Plan number.

4.1 If you are adding multiple plans, you can toggle On the Multiple Plan Setup feature. Once enabled, an External Plan IDs box will be displayed. Enter the external Plan Ids either one per line or separated by commas.

5. Click the  Verify Info button to validate that the Plan Setup meets the iJoin Plan Sync requirements. This is not applicable to adding multiple plans.

5.1 If there are any errors, resolve the validation errors in the Recordkeeper software. Then repeat step 3 above. For more information on validation errors see Resolve Plan Validation Errors

6. Select the  Primary Advisor from the drop-down menu. 

7. Verify the  Plan NamePlan TypeSponsor Name and Sponsor EIN.

8. To Copy Plan Settings from another Plan for Risk Tolerance Questionnaire, (RTQ) select the template Plan to copy from using the drop down menu. Bypass this field if it is empty. Note: If there are not any Plans already added with RTQ, this field will be empty. For more information on RTQ see Setup A Risk Tolerance Questionnaire

8.1 Select the checkbox to Help Me Choose Path Configuration.

8.2 An error will be displayed if the selected Plan does not have an RTQ available to copy. 

9. Select Allow Reallocation at Enrollment for the Plan by switching the toggle to the On position. 

9.1 If you do not wish to Allow Reallocation at Enrollment for this Plan, simply toggle this option to the Off position. 

10. Select Display Plan Opt-Out Option for the Plan by switching the toggle to the On position.

11. Select Permit Edits of Existing Participant Name Values by switching the toggle to the On position,

12. Click the Create Plan button.

13. iJoin will initiate the Plan Sync to bring the Relius Plan information in. For more information on Plan Sync see Process Plan and Participant Syncs

14. If needed, click the link at the bottom of the screen to go to the  Activity Monitor to view the Plan Sync status. Or you can click the Activity Monitor tab. For more information on Activity Monitor see Monitor Activity

14.1 The Activity Monitor will display the  Plan Sync status. If needed, click the refresh button to receive the updated Plan Sync status.

14.2 A  Successful status is required to add the Plan to iJoin. 

14.3 Any status that results with warnings or errors must be resolved. 

14.4 Click the status hyper link to view details for an error. For more information on Error statuses see Resolve Plan Validation Errors

15. Once the Plan has been created successfully, it is time to setup the Plan Settings and Plan Details.

For more information on Plan Settings see Setup Plan Settings

For more information on Plan Details see Setup Plan Details

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