Settings FAQs

Settings FAQs

Can I customize the enrollment experience? Where?

Yes. You can customize all of the following:

  • Welcome Screen Image
  • Welcome Video
  • Logos
  • Advisor Photo
  • Color Scheme
  • Disclosures

Use Setup White Labels

Can I change my settings on the Dashboard?

Yes. There are two ways to access Settings. 

1. Navigate to your Advisor Profile by clicking the Advisor Photo in the top right. Click Settings.

2. Click the Settings tab from Advisor Portal 

For more information on setting up or changing Plan Settings see  Setup Plan Settings

Where do I modify Active Plan(s) settings?

Use Create A Draft Plan

Use Setup Plan Settings

Also  Setup Plan Details

Where do I modify logo or Advisor photo?

Use the Settings / Profile section of Setup Plan in iJoin

Are you able to accommodate Model Portfolios?

Yes. You are able to set them up under your settings on your Dashboard. See Setup Plan Settings

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